
What’s On at Borough Green Baptist Church

We have a variety of activities and meetings throughout the week, most of which meet at the church building.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for the latest details about our regular activities, as well as one-off events and other church news.

Our Sunday Services

10.30am – Morning Service

Our weekly church service in Borough Green, where we meet together to worship God through singing, prayer and hearing preaching from the Bible. We also serve refreshments after the morning service.

First Sunday of the month, after service-  Lord’s Supper. The Lord’s Supper (communion) is for baptised believers in Christ who are in membership of a local church. 

3rd Sunday every month

12pm – “Bring your own” lunch 

1pm (after lunch) – “What we believe” 

An informal talk based on our confession of faith, the 1689 London Baptist Confession. Alternatively, a question and answer session on almost any topic related to God, life and spiritual matters. Discussion encouraged!



Other Activities

Wednesday 2pm – Women’s Fellowship Meeting
A chance for our ladies to meet and consider issues together.

Thursday 7.30pm – Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
A weekly meeting where we pray together and study a Bible passage

Upcoming Events

Follow us on Facebook to find out about our one-off events.

Borough Green Baptist Church Exterior Roadside View - BGBC

Where to find us

We’re situated right in the centre of Borough Green, at the crossroads.

You can find more details on our contact page.

Like us on Facebook

Our Facebook page is the best place to find the latest church news and events.

Like our page to stay up to date!